In Memoriam: Peter Sutherland (1946 - 2018) USMEP | January 10th 2018
It is with much sadness that we note the passing of our International Board member and Senior Advisor Peter Sutherland.
Peter, who absented himself from our International Board meetings in recent years because of his long battle with cancer, made major contributions to many areas of international life. Ending the Israel-Palestine conflict was one of his major concerns.
Peter chaired one of the U.S./Middle East Project’s major projects in 2002, when we produced a study, funded by the Makhzoumi Foundation, that resulted in an important publication on “Harnessing Trade for Development and Growth in the Middle East.” In his Acknowledgments for this publication, Henry Siegman wrote:
It is rare for a chair of a study project to play as decisive a role in the conceptualization and direction of a study as did Peter Sutherland, whose group was comprised of prominent experts in the area of trade and investment. Peter Sutherland’s own background, which includes having served as director-general of the World Trade Organization, was an invaluable asset to our enterprise.
Peter’s intelligence, wit, and passion will be much missed.